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Draft Planning Proposal and VPA 136-148 NSH Rd, Edgecliff -DPS Submission.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023


ABN 88 141 102 701

24th October 2023

Craig Swift-McNair

General Manager

Woollahra Municipal Council

Dear Sir

Planning Proposal & Draft VPA for 136 -148 New South Head Road, Edgecliff

The Darling Point Society opposes the above development for the following reasons.

New South Head Road is a major regional road, being a major link between the Eastern Suburbs and the Sydney CBD and beyond given its connection with Sydney’s freeway systems. Traffic congestion is already a major issue. This location is a major transport hub for the area servicing schools including Double Bay Public School, Ascham, Cranbrook, Scots, Kambala, etc.

This development would significantly add to this congestion with its accompanying parking for both residential and commercial occupants as well as service vehicles. Road access for the development would be at Darling Point Road right at the intersection with New South Head Road. The unique geographically conditions in this location make any solutions to increase capacity problematic. Whilst Council has been working with Transport for NSW for several years to improve capacity at this location, no solution has yet been found.

This development would make a difficult situation worse.

The proposal would also have a negative impact on the amenity of the area. Overshadowing, loss of privacy, noise amplification and most importantly wind tunnelling would all be major issues for this development.

Finally, the proposal does not include affordable housing. Given its ideal location to transport, shopping and workplaces, it would be preferrable to include this in the project as an immediate solution rather than as a contribution for another project which may or may not, ever eventuate.

We trust serious consideration be given to refuse this proposal and VPA.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Pompei


Secretary/Public Officer

Darling Point Society

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