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41 Etham Avenue, Darling Point Land And Environment Court Proceedings NO. 2022/137263

A s34AA conciliation conference and hearing has been listed at 9.30AM on 11 and 12 August 2022

The Applicant has provided the following summary of the amendments to the development application:

No work to existing house;

No extension to existing house

Please review the PDF documents listed below:

Media release:

DA01-C-Proposed Site & Roof Plan:

DA02-C-Proposed Ground Floor Plan:

DA03-C-Proposed First Floor Plan:

DA04-C-Proposed Roof Plan:

DA05-B-Proposed East Elevation:

DA06-B-Proposed South Elevation:

DA07-B-Proposed West Elevation:

DA08-B-Proposed North Elevation:

DA10-B-Proposed Section BB-22062022-41 Etham Ave Darling Point:

DA14-B-Proposed Floor Plate Calculations:

L&Co23002_41 Ethan Avenue, Darling Point_AIA_v2.1:

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